5 Tips for Stay Safe While Bike Riding

Riding a bike has always been fun for people of all age groups. Ever since we grow old enough to walk the first thing we do is to ride a bike and how! But for some reason, safety while bike riding is not considered of utmost importance but we must not forget the severe consequence of that. While riding a bike proves to be therapeutic and also keeps one healthy we must look into some safety measures before taking it into the lane. Live Enhanced brings some important measures that help you stay safe with bike riding.

A helmet bare necessities

riding tips

source: pinterest.com

Although there is a limit in speeding while riding a bike, it is almost mandatory to wear a helmet while going for a ride as safety is the core thing you need to consider. As per the study, the leading cause of death for the bike rider is a head injury, and to safeguard against it, you have to wear a helmet. You just don’t want your head and brain to be exposed in any case. Also, wearing a helmet does not do the desired work if you don’t wear the right one. The quality of the helmet should match with those recommended by the authorities. Also, the size and shape should be proper and should not obstruct your vision.

work an air pump

riding tips

source: pinterest.com

Before riding the bike, it is important to make sure that the bike is in the riding condition. Don’t just take your bike and start roaming around as you will regret it if there is any problem with the bike and you are not able to fix it. Make sure the ABC’s of the bike safety are assured that are- A- Air, B-Brakes, and C-Chains. Make sure there is enough air in the tires and check the side of the back tire for checking the pressure. Also, the brakes should work properly and the chains should not be rusty and the quick release should be tight.    

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Plan and learn your route

riding tips

source: pinterest.com

If you are riding in a big city, there is bound to have traffic but for the bike rides it is easier to find the narrower and quieter roads that can take you to the destination without any hassle. Plan your route well in advance to avoid any confusion and for that Google maps are the best choice. Also, check the stretch of the road as there needs to be a reason why people are riding there. If you are riding in your area or city there won’t be many issues but if you are at an unknown place, inspect the weather condition and forecast before leaving.  

Stay predictable responsible and alert

riding tips

source: pinterest.com

Whether you are riding alone or with any other person, it is important to take full responsibility for the manner of your driving and take precautions depending on the road.  At one point or another, you will need to predict the condition of the further road but take care not to take any kind of risk here. We know distracted driving is not safe but it is even more harmful with bikes. You have to be super alert and hyper-aware while driving as the drivers with big vehicles may not be able to see you. It is a rule- If you can’t see the mirror, they can see you.   

cell phone with a screaming child in the backseat

riding tips

source: pinterest.com

A little negligence can cost you a good fortune thus, in addition to taking care of the lanes and safety measures, it is equally important to follow the riding etiquettes. Taking care of things like riding with the flow of traffic, ditching the headphones, and following the traffic rules are as important as any other measures. With this never ever use a cellphone while you are driving and especially when you are riding a child with you on the backseat. Try to give a safe seating to the child and ditch using a cellphone or any distraction that can cause serious complications. While having a child with you, your responsibility gets even higher and severe.   

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