Remodeling Your London Apartment: 4 Factors To Consider 

Remodeling Your London Apartment

There are various factors to take into consideration when remodelling your London apartment. Any dramatic renovations to your home can be stressful, but with the right budgeting and planning, you can make any renovation work run as smoothly as possible. 

Home renovations not only make your living space a more pleasant environment to stay in, they can also add value to your property. But what should you consider before you carry out any work on your home? And what if you live in London? We’ve listed four factors to consider when remodelling your London apartment. 

1. Cost

Remodeling Your London Apartment


Before you make any remodelling plans, make sure you have enough money to cover the costs. Ask yourself how financially viable the redevelopment project is and how you are going to raise the relevant funds. Can the project be tweaked to account for your budget? Write down all the associated costs to make sure you know exactly how much you’re looking at – consider labour expenses, material costs, and contingency money just in case the plans don’t run as they should.

Look at these against your usual monthly bills that you already pay and make sure you can afford them while paying for the project. Also beware of hidden costs as well, such as extra fees if you intend to sell the property later. Determine a budget for your project before you start and make sure you stick to it.

2. Legal

Remodeling Your London Apartment


Make sure the renovations you want to carry out on your apartment are actually allowed. Do you need planning permission or a building permit for the kind of work you want done? Is your apartment within a listed building or a protected area? Depending on where you live, there will be building regulations that you need to comply with when carrying out renovations. For instance, in the UK, there are certain building works that can only be carried out by a registered installer. There are also certain renovations that require you to notify your local authority. Subsequent woks include new or replacement boilers, replacement windows or doors, any electrical work around showers and baths, and many more. Failure to comply with these regulations is illegal and cam lead to you being prosecuted, so make sure you’re informed. Always speak to your local council planning department to find out if you need to make any applications before you have work carried out.  

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3. Space

Remodeling Your London Apartment


London is one of the most expensive cities in the world to live in, so it’s no surprise that for most people, properties tend to be lacking in space. This is definitely something to consider when remodelling your apartment – where are you going to store all your belongings while the project is being carried out?  Even if your belongings aren’t in the way, they can easily get damaged, dirty, or even lost when there are lots of workmen going in and out. While features such as wardrobes and shelving units are ideal solutions for storing essentials within smaller properties, there is only so much they can hold. Plus, they themselves might be in the way while renovations are being carried out. It’s therefore a good idea to consider the use of a storage unit facility. There are lots of secure units for self storage in London that you can use to lock up your belongings in safety while your apartment undergoes work. 

4. Be safe

Remodeling Your London Apartment


Safety should be your top priority when remodelling your apartment. Unless you’re professional within the building or engineering industry, it’s always advisable to get consult experts when undertaking home renovations. Even if the work you’re carrying out isn’t required by law to be installed by a registered supplier, it’s still safer to get some advice. You might be a dab-hand at DIY, but at least speak to some of the relevant professionals, whether they be plumbers, painters or others. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

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There are many factors to consider when remodelling your London apartment. Follow our advice at Live Enhanced that to ensure your work is carried out safely and effectively. 

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