Ways to Take Care of Your Skin after a Laser Tattoo Removal

tattoo remove

People do tattoos for different reasons since the help express themselves. These reasons may change in the long term hence leading to you changing your mind about the tattoo on your body. Reasons like the tattoo not bringing the same meaning it did in the past. Or the quality of the tattoo has lost or changed in your personality or taboos and beliefs about tattoos changing. If you want to do away with the tattoo don’t panic because as much as there is the best rotary tattoo gun we also have laser tattoo removal.

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source: betteroff.com

In the past, people would remove the tattoo by physically scrubbing the area which led to total damage to the skin. This laser tattoo removal has really made life easier if you want your tattoo removed and your skin will also heal as fast as possible.

Tips to Take Care of Your Skin after a Laser Tattoo Removal 
  1. Closer watch of your wound

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source: medicalnewstoday.com

When a tattoo is removed just like any other wound you should be able to care for it on a daily basis. The affected area should not be exposed to water for long periods. Hence the taking long in the bathtub, long showers, or swimming should be avoided during the period to speed the healing process.  You should not engage in activities for about 1 to 2 that will make you sweat because sweat can expose the area to irritation. Clean the area with cool water and a soap that is mild and then dry the area by patting and not rubbing.

  1. Wounds

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source: pinterest.com

After the lesser tattoo removal therapy, you may find out that the area may be having blisters. Do not panic because this is normally a day after the procedure being undertaken.  You are also not required to scratch the area or constantly the area coming in contact with anything even your hand. The layer formed of blisters is so important in a way that it prevents bacteria from affecting the affected area. Use antibiotics to help the blisters heal fast.

  1. Do away with a certain lifestyle in your life for the period.

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source: supersmart.com

For you to speed up your healing process there are things you should avoid too especially if it’s part of your life. Well, blood circulation is a very important role in this healing process especially in the ink removal from your skin. Hence if your lifestyle entails smoking then it means that you have to stop. This is because smoking slows the circulation of blood in the body.

  1. Diet and don’t stress yourself

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source: womansday.com

You should be able to eat healthy foods this is foods that will boost your immunity. Living a healthy life for you during this period will play an important role in your healing process. Eat fruits rich in vitamins since vitamins help in the healing of wounds and also eliminate ink from the body. Keep your mind with an important thing that will build you and not break you.  A stress-free mind will mean that you are ready to heal. If you think about a negative thing it builds up to stress hence slowing the healing process.

  1. Scratching due to itchiness

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source: herbfacts.co.uk

Your skin may end up being itchy since just after the blisters disappear the skin became dry it’s advised that you should not scratch the area in any circumstance. Use the antibiotics since they help the area not to remain dry. Always ensure that the area is not coming in contact with anything even your hand when you have scabbing. The layer formed of blisters is so important in a way that it prevents bacteria from affecting the affected area. Use antibiotics to help in the prevention of the place being red or swelling hence speeding the healing process.

  1. Cover the area with a clean bandage and apply antibiotics

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source: sonashomehealth.com

After the procedure of laser tattoo removal, this area must be covered by the bandage and it must remain this way for not less than 3 days. For the skin to fully heal you should wait for about 4 to 8 weeks. Keep the skin dry by avoiding being in contact with water. Use antibiotics to help the blisters heal fast. Follow the rules of your technician well so that your healing process may speed up.

How Long Does It Take To Heal After Laser Tattoo Removal

For the skin to fully heal you should wait for about 4 to 8 weeks after a lesser treatment. From the 1st treatment after 72 hours of progress, you should be able to know how fast or slow the wound healing process will be. Also, you have to look for some factors that may affect your healing process from a laser tattoo removal treatment. Factors like the density of the ink in the tattooed skin, the number of treatments you need to go to and your immune system. As you carry on with the treatment that’s when the healing process also intensifies.

For those with health complications, you might have to wait a little bit longer since your immune system low hence reducing the speed of the healing process. If the density of the ink is high then it means that you absorption of more laser energy hence taking the wound a longer time to heal. Your skin may end up being itchy since just after the blisters disappear the skin became dry it’s advised that you should not scratch the area in any circumstance.


Since tattoos on our bodies are a reminder of something we may reach a time where you want to move on from that. Reasons like the tattoo not bringing the same meaning it did in the past or the quality of the tattoo has lost or changed in your personality or taboos and beliefs about tattoos changing.

If you want to do away with the tattoo don’t panic because as much as there is the best rotary tattoo gun we also have laser tattoo removal. Now that you know what to do to care for your wound after tattoo being removed you can always make that decision without being limited at live enhanced.

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