Increase The Chances Of Having Baby With ICSI Treatment

Having Baby With ICSI Treatment

Everyone wants to have a baby at some stage of life. The child brings happiness and completes the family. As per the studies, a child’s smile is the biggest stress buster. The arrival of a baby creates a positive environment at home and brings spouses closer. Life is incomplete without children. The couple has to face emotional and social stress due to infertility, and in some cases, infertility can lead to conflict between the partners.

Infertility can affect both men and women. Without appropriate laboratory tests and physical testing, it is quite confusing to assess whether the male partner is infertile or the female partner has poor fertility. If you have an intense desire to have a baby and are facing infertility problems, do not lose your heart; nowadays, there are many effective infertility treatments for both men and women.

Having Baby With ICSI Treatment


For now, we are going to discuss male infertility treatment in this article. Infertility in males can arise due to many factors like ejaculation issues, tumors, imbalanced hormones, infection, etc. The most common treatment to boost males fertility is conventional IVF ( in vitro fertilization). This treatment elevates the sperm count in the males and increases their chances of becoming fathers. But in some severe cases, IVF treatment is not fruitful, and physicians recommend ICSI treatment for such infertile men. Let us briefly discuss the ICSI technique.

What Is ICSI?

ICSI is an intracytoplasmic sperm injection. It is an advanced form of IVF technique and is used to treat male patients who are unable to conceive women even after several attempts. Many hospitals and clinics offer ICSI treatment at an affordable cost. In this treatment, the single sperm of males is infused into the mature woman’s egg. The ICSI technology has been developed to overcome the loopholes of the conventional IVF technique.

The major limitation of the IVF technique is that this technique requires a certain amount of semen concentration. Therefore, men whose sperm count is extremely low cannot be treated with IVF.

For Whom ICSI Beneficial?

Having Baby With ICSI Treatment


In ICSI treatment, the male’s sperm does not have to travel into the egg nor have to interact with the external part of the female’s egg. It is more effective than the IVF technology and has high success rates. Physicians suggest the ICSI treatment for the males who are experiencing the following infertility issues:

  • Low sperm morphology
  • Inferior sperm count
  • Anti-sperm antibodies
  • Low ability to inject sperm into the egg
  • Bad sperm motility
6 Majors Steps OF ICSI Treatment:

Having Baby With ICSI Treatment


  • The intracytoplasmic sperm injection treatment begins with ovarian stimulation. Physicians give stimulating drugs to the female partner so that their ovaries develop a sufficient number of mature eggs. The entire process of egg development is monitored with blood tests and ultrasound.
  • When the eggs get matured, they are collected via transvaginal ultrasound aspiration. This process is known as egg retrieval.
  • The collected eggs are stored in the frozen environment, and meantime male’s sperms are collected. The single best sperm is chosen from a sample of semen for the fertilization process.
  • Then the chosen sperm is injected into the cell with the fine needle (micropipette).
  • In the next step, the egg is placed in the incubator at optimal temperature. The lab technician checks the signs of fertilization at the egg in 15-18 hours.
  • The embryo grows after 24 hours of incubation, and on the 5th day, it is ready to move into the uterus. The process of transferring embryos into the uterus is called Blastocyst transfer.

After 14 days of BLastocyst transfer, the physician recommends you to take a pregnancy test. In case the first cycle of ICSI fails, the endocrinologist performs the second cycle of embryo implantation.

Wrapping Up:


The ICSI is a great solution for those couples who have been trying for a conception for many years but still do not get positive results. It’s a completely safe and effective way to increase fertility. The reproductive outcomes of ICSI are much higher than traditional IVF. Try it now to increase your chances of getting pregnant and get more information at Live Enhanced.

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