How To Go About Cleaning Your House: Steps To Follow

Cleaning Your House

Home cleaning is a tiring and time-consuming task, right? Spending your weekend cleaning the kitchen and bathroom instead of relaxing over a cup of coffee? Eh. Not Anymore. Read on this article for a quick, easy, hassle-free cleaning of your house while you save yourself a whole lot of time for other important things to be done over the weekend.

Listed below are some of the effective steps to follow when cleaning your house :

1)  Pick up the clutter

Firstly, pick up the clutter. Keep it all organised and clutter-less. Pack it all at a single place till the time the whole cleaning process is over. For example: If you are starting off with the kitchen, pack all the containers, knives, spoons and utensils in a bag and place it in a room that you are currently not focusing to clean.

2)  Get rid of unwanted trash in the house.

rid of unwanted trash in the house - House Cleaning


This is an important point, do not build clutter in the house with things you think might come in some use in the future. Get rid of unwanted material in the house. Make space for things that require much care and maintenance. Also, storeroom is not a place to pack up things that are no more in use.

3)  Furniture Freshening

Furniture Freshening


Upholstery cleaning is extremely important to ensure good air quality and hygiene in the house. Sofas and couch require regular cleaning and mopping of the dust and dirt settling on its surface. Use a vacuum cleaner for furniture freshening and dusting ensuring thorough and deep cleaning of the furniture.  

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4)  Vacuuming

Carpets and rugs are an important part of the house, and therefore, regular vacuuming and cleaning is important to keep them in good and pristine condition. Make the best use of upright cleaners and carpet rakes that will help pull out your pets hair and other unwanted material stuck deep inside the inner carpet surface.


5)  Hire the right professionals

Hire the right professionals For House Cleaning


Most of the times, people think of a DIY cleaning to be easy and economical, although it is wrong. Hiring a trained professional is always the right thing to do. Enjoy your weekend while a professional cleaning service like CHRIStal Clean company will take care of all your cleaning needs and requirements. They are fully equipped with all the latest cleaning tools and techniques that will ensure an efficient and hassle-free cleaning for the best price. You will be guaranteed with their quality of service and will be offered endless cleans till the time you are fully satisfied and convinced with their quality of service.

6)  Dusting and brushing

Dusting and brushing should be an everyday part of your routine. Take a mop and brush off the areas you think need a regular clean and maintenance. Use a microfiber cloth for dusting; this will improve the air quality and hygiene around you. Also, use a damp cloth tied around the broom or a brush to get rid of cobwebs and spider webs. Do not try to clean it in a single shot, make a to and fro movement with the broom for efficient cleaning and brushing.

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These are some of the top things you need to know when cleaning your house and keeping it well maintained and tidy. Home cleaning and maintenance doesn’t necessarily mean an occasional mopping and dusting of the thick layer of dirt piling over the furniture or the floor; it is much more than that. You need to have a thorough understanding of the key parts of the house that would require regular inspection to keep it in a good working condition. Keep your house well cleaned and maintained!!

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