Helpful Tips and Tricks to Grow Your Etsy Shop

List new products frequently

Once you master the basics of running your Etsy shop, you can consider growing and expanding. It’s typically best to take a slow and steady approach to this, which involves minimal financial risk. Even if you have a well-optimized Etsy shop, there are always ways to boost your visibility and drive more sales. You will need to keep optimizing your shop and using smart strategies if you want to cut through all the competition and keep growing. 

List new products frequently

List new products frequently


When you’re looking at how to increase your business sales on Etsy, you need to be prepared to grow. Picking a print-on-demand provider like Printbest will help you to eliminate the upfront costs of inventory and grow in a sensible way. You will carry less risk and your provider can react to your growth and needs in real-time.

Using a print-on-demand provider gives you the opportunity to test new products without large upfront costs in equipment or inventory. Introducing new products or new product variations will keep your store at the forefront of your customers’ minds and keep them coming back for more. The key to growing your shop over the long term is to keep it continuously evolving, even if your actual products remain constant but you keep updating and improving your product listings and photos. 

Use effective SEO strategies

List new products frequently


From using the right keywords in your product descriptions to building your inbound links, you can optimize your products to rank high in search engine results and attract qualified visitors. If you know your ideal customers well, you can incorporate the search terms they will use to find your items. If your listings are buried pages deep, you probably won’t receive enough exposure to make organic sales that come in daily without any promotional work or expense on your part. 

Some SEO tips include filling out every text field available on your shop profile, using all the tags available for each product and making them longer and more specific. You should also maximize your product titles and descriptions. If you have a good standing on Etsy and offer great customer service and free shipping, this will also count in your favor.

Leverage social media

List new products frequently


Etsy has its own search engine but it is so crowded and competitive that it may be difficult to gain visibility and traction. Posting your listings and just leaving them there is a big mistake. It will help if you promote your products outside of the platform to drive more traffic. The Etsy social media tool lets you connect your accounts so that you can make instant updates across your social media channels from your desktop. 

Sharing product announcements and brand content with inspirational images can help you to reach a wider audience. If you explore the social media platforms of other shops, you may get some inspiration for how to promote your products effectively on social media. For example, some shops offer coupon codes to Instagram followers to drive traffic. 

Find ways to save on production costs

As the need increases for you to create products in larger quantities, you may need to develop faster, more efficient ways to manufacture them. For example, you may need to invest in better equipment. At the same time, you could try to lower your costs for acquiring your raw materials from suppliers. Perhaps buying them from a wholesaler or in large amounts directly from the manufacturer would enable you to receive more of a discount. 

Regularly check analytics

List new products frequently


Selling on Etsy offers a great deal of flexibility but you need to treat your shop like a serious business if you want it to grow. This involves being consistently active and regularly checking analytics to see what works and what doesn’t. You can then leverage the insights to refine your strategies. 

You can see various statistics, such as how much you’ve earned from sales made through Etsy Search, by highlighting your conversion rate. Your average order value is the amount each customer typically spends when buying from your shop. You could increase this by offering curated sets of similar items or linking to complementary products in the listing description. Success usually involves an ongoing process of revision and improvements.

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