Shower Enclosures in Luxury Hotels Keep Shining and Look Brand New!

Shower enclosures

Staying at a hotel isn’t always pleasant. And as they say, there’s nothing like home and sleeping in your own bed, right? However, staying at a luxury hotel does have some perks. One such perk included is their pristine shower enclosures. If you enjoy long showers or shower décor then you may have wondered how hotels get their showers so clean. Here we explore hotel shower enclosures and how to keep them shining and looking brand new.

The secret behind the ever bright and elegant look of a hotel shower enclosure

Shower enclosures

So what’s the secret? The first step is choosing a glass enclosure that has coating. The coating will protect the glass from hard water and soap scum. Click here to get the best shower door stuff.

Thinking ahead, however, hotels generally have water softeners. Because the water softeners enable the water sediments to not stay in the water, you won’t get much film left on surfaces. This makes it easier to remove cleaning products and residue.

Another great hack? Professional cleaners suggest spraying down the shower with ¼ of vinegar and ¾ of water with a spray bottle. Then you’ll want to wipe it down with a squeegee or microfiber cloth. This process will allow for a clean finish with little to no streaks.

Some commercial glass cleaners can also get the job done. You may also use commercial products are also great for soap scum, Thieves and Lemon Essential Oils mixed with hot water or using glass cleaner product for shower doors and Rain-X for water stains and more.

For maximum results, you’ll want to use a non-abrasive cleaner with a pH value of seven or eight. Typically, after applying, you’ll then want to leave cleaner solutions on the shower glass doors for several minutes, 10-15 usually, before wiping off with a rag or squeegee to finish.

Avoid cleaning cloth materials like scouring pads and acid-based cleaners. These types of cleaners are known to damage the glass coating. Using lint-free towels and rags is best to avoid streaks as well.

How often should you be cleaning your shower?

Shower enclosures

While properly cleaning your shower enclosures could give you results for weeks, in some cases months, ideally, hotels should clean their shower enclosures every day, especially in high-traffic hotels and rooms that are occupied.

Which type of shower enclosure do hotels use in bathrooms?

Most hotels would recommend framed shower enclosures. Not only can they transform a standard bathroom from looking dull to looking glitz and glamorous, unlike frameless enclosures, framed enclosures are also more durable and strong. Here is how to choose the best glass shower door for bathroom.

Shower enclosures

Because of the strong aluminum frames around their interior edges, the shower doors are often sturdier. In comparison to tempered glass doors, this minimizes the risk for breaking and shattering and in need of replacement.

Framed glass doors are also easier to install. They can fit over any type of shower material, unlike frameless glass doors where you’ll need to properly install hinges and hardware.

It’s because of this installation process that makes framed glass doors more cost-effective.

As for design, modern designs offer versatility in the different types of metal frames you can choose from.

How do hotels protect their shower doors from a water leakage?

Shower enclosures

Framed glass shower enclosures offer another benefit. In addition to their visual appeal, strength and durability, and ease of installation, they are also less likely to allow for leaks during showers.

Because framed glass showers trap water in, it’s difficult for leaks and shower sprays to escape. Their layer of caulk and a metal frame, in comparison to frameless glass showers, protects against spilling.

Which type of Glass do Hotels use for shower enclosure?

Shower enclosures

It is good practice and industry standard to use low-iron tempered glass for hotel shower enclosures? Thankfully, this particular type of glass already comes clearer than regular clear glass. This allows for an increase in light transparency, such as natural lighting.

Additional benefits of using this type of glass are that it is safer to use, it’s more scratch-resistant, stronger and can have a longer lifespan.

Where to go get help for replacing old/broken shower door with a brand new at low cost

Shower enclosures

Interested in to buy a modern shower enclosure just like luxury hotels or replacing an older or broken shower door? GlassGenius offers a unique online hub where you can meet and connect with several sellers at a time. Access to these professionals can help get you the best quote for your budget in a short period of time.

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