Best Creative and Crazy Floor Graphic Art Designs

Want Fries with That

Right floor design can give an exquisite look to your house or street without putting too many efforts. There are many designs from which you can choose the best and give a twist to a simple place. You can use different floor designs for various purposes. Designing is a skill that a few possesses. Floor graphics can be a game-changer. If your designs are unique it will enhance your marketing efforts and makes you stand out among the crowd. It will give you an edgy- statement even in a busy mall or a shopping center. When you use floor graphics you are creating an experience for your visitors, which can benefit even a small business.

Clean Crosswalk

Clean Crosswalk

There is a crosswalk in Italy with Mr. Clean’s image on it. It is a distinguishable piece as one does not normally see an advertisement on the lines of a crosswalk. The strip featuring Mr. Clean was whitened than the rest to promote the company’s product. It is a cost-effective eye-catching way to convey its message. Thus it compels you to explore through unique places to try your own street art.

Steaming Hot Cup

hot cup

Painting manholes covers with a graphic ad is another masterpiece that can be seen in New York City. The manhole cover is painted in such a way to resemble a steaming hot cup of coffee. The steam coming from the manhole looks like it is of coffee which gives it a very real feel. Thus you can search for new ways for your graphic designs, not ignoring the environmental factors.

Climbing Mountains

Climbing Mountains

A simple staircase can also be used to test your excellency in street painting. Using floor graphics on stairs can grab the attention of the pedestrian. A staircase in Denmark has been transformed to look like a mountain to show the mental condition of a person suffering from Parkinson’s disease. If you notice stairs around your workplace you can grab the interest of passerby by going for street art.

It’s a Dog’s Life

dog life

You can also try a 3D painting on the street. It will be unique and thus boost your turnover as it will surely catch a lot of attention. You can take a hint from the 3D floor graphic ad in a shopping mall. It represents a unique image from different levels. We can see a dog digging at fleas from below but from a higher-level, the people look like fleas as the walk over the art. It is a great and innovative use of floor space. The main idea of using such a large part is to make it noticeable. It definitely attracts a lot of attention.

Life Comes at You Fast

Life Comes at You Fast

Another outdoor staircase is by Nationwide. In this, the stairs are transformed creatively into a steep road. There is also a car that is flying over a hill towards the people taking the stairs.

Street Court Branding

Street Court Branding

A street art project sponsored by Nike carries its logo on an outdoor basketball court which are painted in different colors. You can make your brand noticeable by sponsoring local projects.

Want Fries with That?

Want Fries with That

Another crosswalk design includes it’s transformation into a container of McDonald’s French fries, to create an appetite among the passerby.

Park Anywhere

Park Anywhere

There is an art design that shows that any place can be a parking spot for the jeep. It is a clever ad campaign grabbing the attention of many of the visitors.

Instant Vacation

Instant Vacation

The sticker of ski on the floor transports the waiting passengers to a faraway ski lift.

Down Trees

down tree

You should try to use every inch of your area to promote your products through street art. It will make them noticeable and you will also get a large option for your marketing. Floor graphics grab the attention of the customers with their eye-catching designs. It will leave them flabbergasted and also adding something memorable to their experience with your brand. Anytime a person walks in you need to make sure that they remember the experience of being inside your store. Floor graphics can be extended up to your imagination so make sure it created a good lasting impression.

Here are some of the crazy floor graphic art which will make you fall in love with them at first glance. You are sure to lose your footing when you see these floor graphic design art at live Enhanced. You can also get an idea for your marketing.

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