Chainsaw Safety: The Perfect Guide of It

Chainsaw Safety

Look around you, everything you see had a direct involvement of a power tool without any doubt! There are so many varieties of power Tools Adventure and each of them is useful in their own ways. The same goes for chainsaws and just like any other tool, you have to know the chainsaw safety in order to make the most out of it.

Few tools have some common features between them but when it comes to chainsaws, it is one of a kind. It can be used for milling, felling, bucking, limbing and pruning a tree and choosing the right chainsaw for your job should be your first and foremost priority.

Once you are done spending enough time and getting your desired chainsaw, this is when we come in handy as we will mention and guide you through the steps you need to keep in mind to avoid injuries.

And yes, we get the excitement you feel once you get a new chainsaw and yes, we are also sure you don’t want to be among the 36,000 people who take a not so friendly visit to the hospital due to chainsaw accidents every year!

To make our information clearer and easier, we will separate our instruction into three parts. Let’s get going, shall we!?

Before Using A Chainsaw

Chainsaw Safety


Chainsaws are dangerous and there is no doubt about that. I mean there is a reason why 36,000 people end up on the wrong side of the bed every year.

  • You will probably know there are training programs available and if you happen to be someone who has completed them then we highly recommend using the chainsaw that you trained with. Because you have a clear idea and pretty much know everything from A to Z about that chainsaw.
  • If you’re someone who isn’t trained, a chainsaw that has a reduced kickback chain is ideal even though it cuts more slowly as it is much safer.
  • Read the manual as this will give you all the information you need to know about the chainsaw. Not all chainsaws have the same functions and make sure you understand all the instructions before you use the saw.
  • Wear safety gears that include Safety glasses, Hearing protection, Helmets, Vests, Pants, Gloves, Chaps, Boots, jackets and sleeves. This is the complete set of gear you need. Remember SAFETY first!
  • The place where you cut shouldn’t have any spectators or pets.
  • Bringing a partner along with you is highly recommended as you might be completely helpless if any major injuries occur.
  • The ground you’re cutting in should be even and there shouldn’t be any kind of branches or utility line as there is always a risk of them being cut.
  • Do not cut if you are not thorough with the chainsaw or the cuts you are going to perform.
  • Make sure the chainsaw you are going to use is in perfect condition without any flaws.
  • It is best to keep the oil reservoir full and you should at least be 12ft away from the place where you added your fuel.
  • If you use a battery chainsaw, make sure it is fully charged.
  • The chain should be sharp, clean and well lubricated. If the chain you’re using is new then there is a high chance of it stretching quickly. So checking it after 15 minutes of use reduces the risk. The same goes for old chains and you can check them after an hour of use.
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While Using A Chainsaw

Chainsaw Safety


When you are cutting, there are few things that you need to keep in mind and there are others which you need to avoid at any cost.

Things you need to do
  • The grip is very important. Hold your chainsaw with both hands and the grip should be firm especially the thumb as you will rely on it more when it comes to defending a possible kickback.
  • The chainsaw should be up to speed when cutting as this makes the cutting easier and safer.
  • Never cut above waist level because losing control of the chainsaw is high.
  • Never cut when you are on the top of a ladder as it is above the waist level.
  • The action of kickback is that the chainsaw will hit backward so standing on the side of it reduces the chance of it causing a devastating injury.
  • Never cut with the tip of the chainsaw as there is a 100% chance of kickback if you do so, instead cut with the base of the blade as much as possible.
  • Make sure the chainsaw is not hitting the ground. This will result in the chain becoming dull and less effective as a result.
  • Always apply the chain brake when you are not cutting.
Things you need to avoid

Chainsaw Safety


  • Cutting above waist level as mentioned before.
  • Cutting with the tip of the blade.
  • Don’t cut from a ladder
  • If the weather is not suitable, avoid cutting especially if it an electric-powered chainsaw.
  • Avoid wearing loose clothing.
  • Avoid refueling a hot chainsaw.
  • If you happen to be tired or on alcohol by any chance, it is best to not touch a chainsaw.
  • If you are alone, we would suggest you not to cut especially if you are a beginner.
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After Using A Chainsaw

Chainsaw Safety


  • The chainsaw is likely to be hot and if it is, leave it on the ground for about 10 minutes so that it cools down and then only you can work your way up to the chainsaw.
  • Keep the chain brake activated.
  • Remove the chain and the bar, if you want to carry it on the case. And if you don’t, make sure the bar is behind you while carrying it to avoid being poked
  • Clean the bar and check if they are any signs of damage to it.
  • Remove the chainsaw and clean it. Before placing it on the case, it is best to sharpen it as this is the best way to make it last longer. We recommend to sharpen it after every use.
  • Clean the chainsaw with a dry cloth and place it on a case if possible. This will prevent the chainsaw from getting dusty.

Chainsaw Safety


I guess that is it people! If you follow these simple and lifesaving steps then you are less likely to face injuries. They are not very difficult to follow, they are the basic steps that professionals do.

Learning to use a chainsaw is not difficult not also for a beginner who has very little to no idea about a chainsaw. But, becoming a professional in using any power tool or anything in life needs experience.

And before you gain that experience, you need a guide for a start which we tried providing here. Besides, a tip will be for you to buy a chainsaw that suits your skill level well.

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Anyways, that’s all and good luck advancing yourself in the wood game at Live Enhanced.

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