5 Ways To Keep Supporters Engaged After Fundraising Events Are Over

Keeping Supporters Engaged Matters

If you’re a nonprofit fundraiser, you know the joy of seeing your organization’s supporters show up to an in-person or online event. After all, the energy, goodwill and generosity of these people fuel and sustain your work. However, once the gala or online silent auction is over, how do you keep your supporters engaged? First, consider why this is important. Live Enhanced explore some information about supporters engaged after fundraising events are over

Why Keeping Supporters Engaged Matters

Keeping Supporters Engaged Matters

source: engagementmultiplier.com

Engaged supports are vital to any organization’s growth and success. Those who stay engaged not only make charitable contributions but also promote your organization by talking about it and its mission with their family, friends and peers. This kind of support is invaluable, and you can achieve it with the following five engagement tips.

1. Personalize Messages

When you integrate systems with Salesforce or another record system, you can personalize messages to every supporter. From thank yous to birthday wishes, these messages help you grow the relationship with your supporters with a minimum of effort, time or cost. Scheduled messaging is also helpful in sending regular or seasonal communication. The benefit to you and your supporters is that they feel connected to and valued by your organization.

2. Promote Events

Keeping Supporters Engaged Matters

source: googleapis.com

Event management tools let you keep your supporters up to date on what’s next on your organization’s horizon. For example, do they know that the annual fundraiser is in two months and requires an RSVP? Are they receiving regular reminders about seasonal get-togethers or annual campaign drives? Making sure your supporters know what’s coming next shows your organization’s dynamism and fuels their continued engagement.

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3. Celebrate Milestones

Acknowledging your supporters’ efforts and celebrating their milestones, such as meeting a giving goal, are vital to keeping them engaged. Clean data helps you achieve this. When you choose to use a data model such as Salesforce’s Nonprofit Success Pack, an NPSP data import reduces data errors and staff efforts. This tool makes sure you’ve got the correct supporter details, such as birthdate, name and address, and giving history.

4. Request Stories

Keeping Supporters Engaged Matters

source: syracuse.com

Your supporters’ stories and testimonials are among the most powerful tools for keeping them engaged and inspiring others to join your mission. Sending a personalized message is an effective way to request stories, photos and any other content supporters wish to share. Then, with their permission, using their accounts and images on your website, social media or print publications motivates others to contribute gifts, time and talents.

5. Give Thanks

Keeping Supporters Engaged Matters

source: pinterest.com

Above all, a simple “Thank You” is the most powerful way to keep your supporters engaged. From a personalized message via your fundraising data management system to a thank you card or recognition in your annual report, there are many ways to let your supporters know how grateful you are for them, their gifts and their contributions.

Put these five tips to work and boost your supporters’ engagement. If you’re interested in more ways to keep your supporters engaged or want to learn more about data management tools that save your organization time and money, browse professional nonprofit news sources for the latest ideas in engagement.

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