Photography for Beginners – Top 5 Tips No One Tells You About

Photography for Beginners

Are you just starting out your photography career?

If you answered yes, then let us tell you that the first couple of years could be a bit of a distressing experience.

This is mainly because there’s a lot that you’ll be learning and discovering about photography – from different camera angles and composition to focus and lighting to whether you’d be venturing in product photography or travel; the road ahead is long and winding and that’s just the beginning.

Given that you’ll be learning a lot of new things in your photography journey, here we’ve put together the top 5 tips that no one tells you about.

Make sure you follow these tips to get you going on the right foot!

Get the Right Gears

Photography for Beginners


While you may be thinking that having the latest camera is enough to take some really amazing photos, we’ve got just one word for you – Negative (pun intended!)

Put simply, it doesn’t matter whether you’re just starting out or have a professional product photography studio, you need to have the right gears.

For instance, if you’re planning to get into wildlife photography then it’s essential for you to purchase those long lenses. However, to click super close-up shots, you’ll have to invest in macro lenses or filters.

Similarly, if you want to get into commercial product photography, then you’ll require wireless remotes, tripods, professional lighting gears, filters and more.

So the next time someone tells you that having the best camera is more than enough to take top-quality images, remind them about the importance of having the right gears.

Create a Shot List

Photography for Beginners


As a beginner in photography, taking a lot of images is an excellent way to take your skills a notch higher.

Nonetheless, instead of simply focusing on and shooting random objects, you need to generate a shot list for yourself. This list will not only make your photography endeavour much better but also help you take meaningful pictures.

Additionally, by creating a list of things you wish to capture, you set certain milestones for yourself to achieve throughout your photography journey.

What’s even better is the fact that, after you’ve spent enough time taking photographs, you get to revisit this list in the future and compare your present images with the previous ones. In doing so, you’ll get to know how far you’ve come along with the areas you need to improve.

Stop Using Full Auto Mode

Photography for Beginners


It’s completely alright to shoot in full auto mode, but only when you’re just starting out. This is because it takes care of the majority of camera settings and enables you to focus on improving other compositional skills.

However, full auto mode is often a crutch since it takes away the majority of your control from the exposure setting and hands it over to your camera.

That said, if you really wish to improve your photography skills and capture some incredible photos in the long run, you’ll have to get out of the habit of using auto mode and start experimenting with other features of your camera.

Of course, we don’t mean you shouldn’t take pictures in auto mode at all; although, it’d be a great achievement if you could stop!

Now you might ask, if not the auto mode, then what features should I be using?

Well, you could go for shutter priority, program or aperture priority mode since these semi-automatic features help you bridge the gap between full manual and full auto mode. It’ll also give you a better control over your gear.

Upgrade the Camera Strap

Photography for Beginners


This is a tip that most people won’t tell you about, but upgrading your camera’s strap is equally important.

Not only does it give you a strong grip but also secures your camera, thereby preventing it from falling and ensuring that you don’t end up burning a hole in your pocket.

Experiment As Much As You Can

This is by far the most essential photography tip for beginners.

Yes, in the beginning, you’re bound to capture pictures that you won’t be happy with. However, don’t let that take over and make sure you’re keeping your eyes open at all times. You should also make sure that you’ve always got your camera on you.

That way, the moment you notice something that’s worthy to be captured, you can immediately take a picture of it.

Moreover, it’s possible that you might love taking certain types of photos but remember that there are several things around you waiting to be captured by your camera.

It doesn’t matter whether you love portraits, macro or cityscapes photography, ensure that you’re always experimenting with different things.

Only by putting your photography skills to good use will you be able to learn new things and improve as a photographer. So, keep experimenting and keep taking exceptional photos.

To Sum Up

Photography for Beginners


While some of these photography tips might seem very obvious and you may disagree with the others, ensure that you’re following them at least during your initial days.

Furthermore, be sure to keep learning new things as much as possible because the more you learn the more you can improve.

Once you’ve mastered the basics and got an understanding of how to use your gear, you’ll have a whole lot more to experiment and have fun with – after all, it’s all about your creativity.

One last tip to keep in mind is that everyone starts from the same spot – the beginning!

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