Top Pros and Cons of Indoor Hot Tubs

If you think about a hot tub, you probably see it outside, on a deck, possibly surrounded by greenery. But many people choose to install them inside because it has certain benefits, like climate control, and privacy. If you’re thinking about buying a new hot tub and locating it inside your home, you should think about these pros and cons first.

Pros of Having an Indoor Hot Tub

Pros Cons of Indoor Hot Tubs - Privacy

An outdoor hot tub isn’t for everyone. If you have a small backyard, and lots of neighbors, then soaking in your hot tub might not be as relaxing as you envisioned. An indoor hot tub will give you the ultimate privacy. It will be quiet, soothing and personal. You’ll also have greater control of your surrounding environment, so add candles, music, mood lighting, and your favorite essential oils. Relax knowing that there won’t be any unexpected interruptions.


Pros Cons of Indoor Hot Tubs - Safety


An outdoor hot tub can cause concern for people who have small children or pets. An indoor hot tub means that you can close and lock the door and feel reassured that your kids and pets won’t get into your tub.


Pros Cons of Indoor Hot Tubs - Climate

Outdoor hot tubs have a major drawback – they can only be used if the weather is good. If you want to use your hot tub in all-weather then you need to use install an indoor tub. You can soak and relax in the tub at any time of the year, and at any time of the day. Another big plus for indoor hot tubs is that they need less maintenance as there’s no outdoor debris such as leaves, petals or dirt. Your filters won’t be as dirty.


Pros Cons of Indoor Hot Tubs - Plants

An indoor tub doesn’t mean that you can’t be surrounded by lush, green plants. You can add some beautiful moisture-loving plants, such as orchids or gardenias. Make it your own little paradise.

Cons of Having an Indoor Hot Tub

Pros Cons of Indoor Hot Tubs - Construction

Hot tubs are heavy. Add in water, and people, then a hot tub can easily weigh over a thousand pounds. Even small tubs can put 250 pounds on the surface it’s on. This can be five times heavier than what the floor can take. The floor might need to be re-engineered, or you might have to replace the floor with concrete slab instead.

You can’t just worry about the floors. Hot tubs create a lot of moisture in the room, so you’ll need to protect the walls and doors from the water and humidity. You can apply a special vapor covering.


Pros Cons of Indoor Hot Tubs - Ventilation


The room where your indoor spa is located will need proper ventilation. You can use fans, and dehumidifiers to help control the room and protect your ceilings, walls, and windows. You should also talk with an HVAC specialist to discuss which ventilation options would be most suitable for your home.


Pros Cons of Indoor Hot Tubs - Flooring


As well as thinking about the weight of the hot tub, you need to think about the floor covering. An astonishing amount of water can come out with you when you exit a hot tub. This can cause damage to some materials, and cause others to become very slippery. Avoid accidents, and damaged floor but looking for slip-resistant floorings, such as tile, and making sure that the room has proper drainage.

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