All You Need To Know About Eye Surgery

All You Need To Know About Eye Surgery

Are you experiencing poor vision? Is it not getting corrected with glasses? Or do you want freedom from contact lenses or eyeglasses? So, you need to undergo eye surgery.

Eye surgery or ocular surgery is the surgery that is performed on an eye that also includes eyebrow and eyelids. It is the fragile organ and demands extreme care at the time of operation. Only a qualified and professional eye surgeon can perform surgery with safety precautions.

There are numerous eye problems, some of them can be treated with medicines, but few of them are treated only with surgery.

LASIK Vision surgery

LASIK vision surgery is one of the most common eye surgeries that help to treat nearsightedness (hyperopia), farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism. This procedure reshapes the cornea to enable the light to enter the eye to focus on the retina for more clearer vision. Its pain-free process with the results offering improved vision without eyeglasses.

The modern procedure followed for LASIK vision surgery from Dr. Jonathan Cabin of Face Beverly Hills is the safest and effective way of performing surgery.

Glaucoma Surgery

eye surgery 2 - Glaucoma Surgery


Glaucoma- silent thief of sight is an undetected disease. It shows no symptoms and no pain till the time a noticeable vision loss occurs. The disease causes irreversible damage to the optic nerve which is a carrier of information from the eye to the brain. Depending on the severity of the disease, it is treated with medication, laser treatment, and surgery.  

When the problem is not treated with medication, Glaucoma surgery is preferred then. The surgery involves treatment with laser for increasing fluid flow from the eye. It is performed before incisional surgery if the optic nerve’s damage can be treated with laser surgery.

While opting for laser surgery, eye pressure also needs to be observed, and if the pressure is high, incisional surgery replaces laser surgery. In the incisional surgery, a drainage hole is created with a surgical tool to bypass intraocular fluid.

Refractive Surgery

eye surgery 3 - Refractive Surgery


Refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), astigmatism or presbyopia requires refractive surgery for vision correction. Among the various surgical the common type of refractive surgery performed is LASIK. Here cornea is reshaped with the help of laser.

To improve the eye’s focus, for nearsighted people, cornea’s curvature is reduced with refractive surgery. Farsighted people achieve a steeper cornea to increase the eye’s focus.  Astigmatism gets corrected by selectively reshaping irregular cornea portions for making it symmetrical.

Eye Muscle Surgery

eye surgery 4 - Eye Muscle Surgery


Eye muscle surgery is done for correcting eyes that are misaligned. It is usually done for treating eye problems of children that include strabismus and nystagmus.

Strabismus is the eye problem where eyes point in different directions like one eye is looking straight while the other looks outward, inward, downward or upward. Nystagmus is the problem where eyes make involuntary movements. The problem is highly visible and affects both eyes.

Surgeon detached the affected muscle from the eye and attaches it again for weakening the muscle strength if it’s very strong. Contrary if the muscle is weak, recession procedure is used for achieving the balanced function of eye muscles

Surgery requires great cautions. Whenever you consider surgery, it is vital to discuss all parameters with your surgeon. Understand the risks and benefits of the eye surgery that you want to undergo before taking the final decision of undergoing it.

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