How to Prevent Cockroaches from Moving with You 

Prevent Cockroaches from Moving with You 

Living with cockroaches is a very stressful experience. No one can blame you for choosing to move out of a cockroach-infested home, but there is the risk that you bring the pests with you. As if cockroaches weren’t bad enough! 

Here are some tips at Live Enhanced that explore on how you can avoid bringing cockroaches with you to your new home.  

Get the problem under control 

Prevent Cockroaches from Moving with You 


While you may be leaving, it’s important that you get the infestation under control, first. Do everything you can to get rid of the pests and keep them at bay so you can pack your belongings safely. Here’s how you can get rid of cockroaches:

  • Deep clean the home. Cleaning the home from top to bottom will get rid of the bits of food that keep cockroaches alive. It will also reduce clutter and help you get rid of any eggs that are lying around. Vacuum and wipe down every surface in the home. Clean all your appliances thoroughly. Then, keep the home as clean as you can while you are still there. 
  • Hire an exterminator. Note that pest control is your landlord’s responsibility. If you are renting, even if you are leaving the building, you should ask your landlord to hire an exterminator and treat the issue. This will significantly lower your chances of bringing cockroaches with you. Reach out to Pest Control Waterloo or another professional near you. 
  • Keep food out of reach. Store all your foods in sealed containers, like glass jars with lids that are airtight. Stay on top of the dishes and take the garbage out every night. The cleaner the home, the more you will keep the roaches under control. 
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Use the right boxes

Prevent Cockroaches from Moving with You 


Use plastic boxes instead of cardboard. Cockroaches eat cardboard glue, so you risk attracting them into your packed belongings. Pack small appliances and electronics in sealed plastic bags. Use as much plastic as you can, and no matter what you do, do not use used cardboard boxes. Inspect your belongings carefully, then pack them in cockroach-proof materials so the bugs don’t come with you. 

Wash all fabrics 

Clothes, bedding, rugs, curtains, and all other fabrics should be washed before being packed. Wash everything in hot water, dry them, then pack them in sealed plastic bags and containers. Cockroaches will not survive the washer and dryer at high heat, so it’s important that you put your fabrics away immediately after drying. 

Clean and inspect everything 

Prevent Cockroaches from Moving with You 


Clean everything as you pack it away inboxes. Take your small appliances apart and clean them thoroughly, checking for cockroaches and eggs in the process. Inspect everything carefully before putting them away. Vacuum furniture the morning of your move. 

Unpack outside 

Prevent Cockroaches from Moving with You 


When you arrive at your new home, unpack as much as you can outside. Inspect everything carefully before bringing them indoors. During the summer, you can put your small appliances in black plastic bags and let them lay in the sun to get rid of any remaining cockroaches. Cockroaches die at 50°C/125°F. In the winter, you can do the same thing, as long as the temperature reaches -17°C/0°F.

Monitor the infestation after the move 

Use glue traps in your new home so you can check for activity. This can ease your anxiety, and if you do catch any bugs, you will know that you need to get help immediately. The sooner you treat an infestation, the better. 

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