Top 9 Best Ideas for Healthy Gifts

We all know someone who is all about health. As far as quirks go, it’s a good one to have as this person can be a positive influence on our lives. We can return the favor by giving them a gift on their special day. Below are a few ideas for healthy gifts that they will surely enjoy using:

1. Insulated Water Bottle

healthy gifts


Poor hydration can make us feel tired, dizzy, and uncomfortable. It will result in dry skin, sunken eyes, dull hair, and brittle nails. It makes us prone to a number of health problems such as urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Those who exercise a lot without getting enough water can succumb to heatstroke and seizures due to electrolyte imbalance. Make sure that your friend always drinks enough by giving them an insulated water bottle. They can keep it hot or cold depending on their preferences. Some of these can even display the temperature of the liquid on the cap.

2. Fitness Tracker

Health-conscious individuals love to do fitness activities. However, they might not be aware just how well they are doing in relation to their targets. Enter the fitness tracker. They can wear it like a wristwatch and use it to check the time. It can also tell them how many steps they walk each day and how many hours of sleep they got each night. They can get an approximate number of calories burned. Some can even detect steps climbed on stairs and reps completed during strength training. Those with GPS can track outdoor runs as well including pace, distance, duration, elevation, and heart rate.

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3. Yoga Mat

healthy gifts


If your friend can’t go out much to work out, then help them get started with their indoor gym by giving them a yoga mat. This simple cushion will make it more comfortable to do floor exercises such as crunches, bridges, side leg raises, planks, push-ups, and many more. They can kneel without hurting their knees. They can also follow along to recorded online yoga videos and live-streaming classes. You can find these in different colors and patterns so choose a mat that matches your friend’s preferences. Most cheap options have thin foams. Spend a bit more for a thicker mat as this will be more comfortable to use.

4. Digital Weighing Scale

Is your friend aiming to lose a bit of weight? Then help them out by giving them a new digital weighing scale. Get one of those products that have a companion app for smartphones. Aside from providing an accurate weight reading, they will also be able to analyze body fat percentage, muscle mass, body mass index, water content, basal metabolic rate, and so on. Since this is digital, you will see a specific number instead of taking a guess on an analog pointer. The battery is rechargeable via a USB port, so you won’t have to keep buying batteries.

5. Workout Clothes

healthy gifts


Boost your friend’s motivation to exercise by giving them cool new workout clothes. For women, you could shop for sports bras, leggings, athletic shoes, and socks. Try bold colors and prints if you think that these will fit their personality. If they like to run outside, then consider adding a visor, a beanie, sweatband, or a headwear scarf. As for men, you could consider a muscle shirt, compression tights, and looser shorts to go over that. They will be thrilled with new training shoes as well. If they run long distances, then they might appreciate a hydration vest.

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6. Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are great for people who want to build strength at home without carrying heavy plates and dumbbells around. These are safer if you have a small home with little kids that try to play with everything. These are also good options for continuous workouts even when traveling. These are just rubber strips, so they weigh next to nothing. The resistance comes from the stretch when you pull on them. They come in different levels of thickness for a wide range of resistance. You can use them for curls, rows, extensions, and other movements instead of a dumbbell.

7. Personal Blender/Juicer

healthy gifts


The more you work out, the more you get hungry. Make sure that you friend has healthy options that are readily available, so they don’t get tempted to eat junk food. Encourage them to consume more fruits and vegetables by giving them a personal blender or juicer. They will love making fresh green smoothies every day. These will be packed with vitamins and minerals that will prevent any nutritional deficiencies. The smoothies will also be rich in fiber for good digestion. You can even add a healthy smoothie recipe book to your gift box to get them started.

8. Healthy Food Hamper

You might also want to give them some healthy snacks that they can take on their runs, hikes, and gym sessions. Sometimes you can go hungry in the middle of a workout, but you can’t sit down for a proper meal yet. These snacks will give them a boost of energy so that they can complete their task for the day without reaching for sugar-loaded alternatives. Examples include honey, nuts, seeds, dried fruits, granola bars, nut butter, and dark chocolate. You could also teas, spices, and organic options. See if you can find a gift hamper online that already has some of these items in a nice package.

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9. Foam Roller

healthy gifts


Your hard-working friend deserves a break every now and then. Working out is great but this has to be balanced with recovery. They probably have some sore muscles all over their body. Give them tools that can help bring them relief such as a foam roller. They can use this for regular massage, so they don’t have to pay massive amounts for therapists. This will also prevent injuries and keep them in great shape for every workout. You can also consider an electric fascial massage device, or a wireless neck massager. These health gifts can sooth problem areas in no time.

Author Bio:

Rory Boyle from Hampers With Bite has been in the gift-giving industry for over 15 years.  He has seen both the latest trends, and the established favorites in gifts.

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