Having completed elementary education, college is not only a chance to venture into your career path but also to realize your talents and make the most of them. However, the limiting factor with many college students is the limited will to engage in a new activity. As such, students deny themselves a chance to acquire new skills and make great experiences in their campus stay.
source: golinfieldwildcast.com
Among the activities that most students are reluctant to join is golfing. While it is not as energy-oriented as its counterparts, golfing provides a balance between both your physical and mental wellness while boosting your social life. In this article, we shed light on the reasons to play golf in college and some of the benefits you can rip from taking golf lessons as a student. As you kick off your golfing adventure, however, consider the Silves Golf Course as your travel destination as it allows you to immerse yourself in the golfing experience while meeting like-minded people.
Maintaining physical and mental wellness
source: buildersports.com
While it is not associated with much push and shove, golf offers a perfect mix of cardio and brain exercise. Owing to the distance strolled over long-range shots, golfers engage their muscles training, thus burning excess calories and maintaining better form. Additionally, golfing calls for warm-up sessions before the sport, thus activating your muscles for optimal performance on the golf course. Owing to this exercise, you can attain better sleep, thus giving the body enough time to regenerate worn-out cells and to consolidate memories hence realizing better recall.
Even more, golfing helps you attain brain to hand coordination as you input energy on the ball to propel it into the hole with the least strikes. As such, you engage more areas of your brain hence being able to refresh for classwork. Also, golfing helps you manage the freedom that comes with campus life and helps shift your focus to study. This is because various colleges have a minimum GPA for students to engage in sports, thus helping you focus on your study and manage the acquired freedom. If you want golf to be your main sport, consider investing in a portable golf simulator so you can continue the practice even in off-seasons.
Breaking the lecture room monotony
source: highschoolgolf.org
As the adage goes, all work with no play dullens Jack up. Similarly, engaging your brain continuously in classwork is bound to wear you out, thus reducing your efficiency in the study. By exposing yourself to the golf course, however, you let your brain off the stress and enjoy the fresh air while engaging in different thoughts. As such, you refocus your energy, therefore, being able to concentrate on classwork without heaping a lot of pressure on the mind. For the most benefit, however, consider participating in events with friends, thus enjoying the game and reducing the thoughts on classwork material.
However, ensure that your sports schedule does not infringe your class time, as this may hinder your class performance. To achieve this, create a program that allows for study, entertainment, and sports time, thus going about your daily tasks without compromising your mental wellness.
Improving your sporting and social life
source: pinterest.com
Among the benefits of playing golf in college is building up on your skills, thus gaining a spot on the arena. As such, this can serve as the first step to a sports career or even boost your campus budget by bringing in some earnings from tournaments and school activities. Additionally, golf allows you to mingle with peers hence serving as an ideal place to form bonds and express yourself, thus improving your social skills. As such, you can make friends, thus being able to withstand various challenges associated with campus life and gain moral support.
Even better, golfing gives you access to older students and coaches who can offer advice on various campus issues and guide you on the approach to take in multiple scenarios. By engaging in golfing, you also avoid activities that would result in addiction, thus wasting your time and resources that could have been put to better use.