Minding What You Drink:7 FAQ about a Home Water Filtration System

Most people are not aware of what is contained in their water. It’s important to note that the components of water often depends on where a person lives. Sometimes, water may contain substances which are hazardous for human consumption and thus the need to utilize equipment that will help in providing cleaner, healthier water. Home water filtration services can provide cleaner and better-tasting water when installed in your home. However, not so many people understand what this equipment is and its functionality. To better understand the significance of a home water filtration system, here are seven questions and answers about this device you need to know about.

1. What is a Home Water Filtration System?

What is a Home Water Filtration System

source: youtube.com

This water filtration device is a system that is connected to the main water supply of your home. As a result, all the water that is used within your home, whether for cooking, bathing, washing, or drinking, will pass through the filter for cleaning. This system is important as it gets rid of the need to install different filtration equipment at various points in your home. The advantage of it is that you will not need to deal with fussy filtration pitchers or handle heavy items such as the water bottles containing water to take for filtration. You can check the Water Coolers Reviewed by PureWaterGuide.

You can click here to learn more about the water filtration system and the benefits it offers.

2. What are The Different Kinds of Home Filtration Systems?

What are The Different Kinds of Home Filtration Systems

source: canyonstateac.com

There are different types of home water filtration systems, but the common ones include the reverse osmosis and the activated carbon types like solid carbon block water filters. The latter is suitable for eliminating harsh chemicals including disinfectants while the latter one is effective against microbial contaminants and chemicals. These gadgets are available in different size and according to the specification of the user. For instance, a large filtration system is suitable for a home with many bathrooms as opposed to one with fewer houses. The smaller ones can fit under the sink of your kitchen, allowing you to get clean water from filtered water taps for cooking and even drinking.

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3. What Components Does a Home Filtration System Eliminate?

What Components Does a Home Filtration System Eliminate

source: whitewaternow.com

An excellent home filtration systems can eliminate a broad range of contaminants that are threatening to your health by cleaning your drinking water. These contaminants include components such as heavy metals (copper, lead, and mercury), arsenic, bacteria, radon, chlorine, pesticides, rust, parasites, and volatile organic compounds. Apart from that, you will also notice that the taste of your drinking water has greatly improved in its taste.

4. What other Benefits Do These Systems Offer?

What other Benefits Do These Systems Offer

source: homefixplanet.com

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, there are other advantages that are offered by the home water filtration system. Because these gadgets get rid of chlorine, dangerous vapors from this element will not be released when running the dishwasher or showering. The inhalation of chlorine vapors is quite hazardous as opposed to consuming chlorine through the drinking water, especially for allergy sufferers and asthmatic people. In addition to that, water filters also get rid of irons which would otherwise be converted into rust and stain your laundry or plumbing fixtures.  When you wash your clothes using filtered water, you will be in a position to avoid exposing your skin to contaminants that would result in rashes.

5. Who Needs a Home Water Filtration System?

Who Needs a Home Water Filtration System

The demand for a home water filtration system will depend on the quality of water supply within your local area. In an effort to highlight who actually needs filtered water, the Environmental Working Group offered a searchable database that ranks the urban areas in the United States in terms of their quality of water. For people who depend on private wells, the agency offers guidelines for safe use of the water. In the low-ranking areas such as San Diego, residents are advised to utilize water that has been filtered. If you wish, you may request your home’s water to be analyzed in a certified to establish its cleanliness, the contaminants it contains, as well as the number of contaminants contained in the water. The quality of your water can have tremendous effects on members of your household, especially the delicate and vulnerable ones such as the pregnant, ill, elderly, or infants.

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6. What is the Cost of a Home Water Filtration System?

What is the Cost of a Home Water Filtration System

For an average-sized home, the cost of an entire house water filter including the amount that will be spent on professional installation an exceed $1000. Installing a home water filtration system can be an overwhelming task and, therefore, such projects must be assigned to experts. After the systems are in place, minimal maintenance may be required which may involve the occasional replacement of filters (which can be done annually) or replacement of the filtering media (which could be done after every three years).

7. Does One Need to Hire a Professional for the Installation Job?

Does One Need to Hire a Professional for the Installation Job

It’s imperative that a licensed professional is hired to help in installing a home water filtration system. If you are not familiar with plumbing and how filtration systems work, you may end up destroying the entire setup. This means that you may fail in filtering your water correctly, or worse, the gadget may fail to function completely. The good thing about working with licensed plumbers is that they can cover any damages that may result from a filtration system that has been poorly installed, so you don’t have to spend extra money on fixing the damages done. If you hire a plumber, you will not need to worry about low quality work and poor installations. That way, you will rest assured knowing that your drinking water is clean and contaminant-free.

Final Word

Clean drinking water is a necessity for everyone. While most people could survive without pure water, it is now easier to learn about the various ways you can get rid of the contaminants that pollute your water. With access to pertinent information online, many people now use home filtration systems to protect themselves from microorganisms, chemicals, and bad-tasting water. If you don’t know where to start, you can always call a professional to do the sizing for you, select the best filter for your home, and offer a quote for their installation services.

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