The Untold Damage a Bird Infestation Can Cause

The Untold Damage a Bird Infestation Can Cause

A lot of property owners do not realise the damage birds can cause. While they can seem innocent sleeping on high ledges and hanging out on the roof, they can actually leave behind a lot of damage in their wake. In fact, if you do not act quickly, you could have a devastating bird infestation on your hands.

Do you think we are being dramatic and a few small birds could not possibly cause a lot of harm? Let’s look at the untold damage these pests can cause to property owners.

Erosion to Buildings

The Untold Damage a Bird Infestation Can Cause


When you see bird droppings all over buildings, one thing for sure; it does not look great. It can really bring down the property and make it look old and uncared for. But, it is not just the look of your building you should be worried about when it comes to birds. In fact, bird droppings are more damaging than you would think.

Referred to as bird guano, what is left behind by these pests is acidic. Yes, you may be surprised to hear those droppings are actually highly damaging to property. The acidity means that it can erode brickwork, metal and stone. All of these are common materials used on properties, which means over time, bird guano is going to cause permanent damage.

As a result, the condition of your property is going to diminish if you have a bird infestation and do not do anything about it. If you suspect that birds that staying around your building and the problem could get worst, it is best to contact a professional about bird proofing solutions. Experts are going to know the best ways to keep birds away from your building and stop a bird infestation from growing. Acting quickly is important because birds will continue to come to your building if there is a food source or safe spaces for them to rest. 

Blocking Guttering and Chimneys

The Untold Damage a Bird Infestation Can Cause


It is not just bird guano you have to worry about. Birds will also collect various nesting materials. This can be dropped everywhere and cause problems that you cannot see. Materials include things like twigs, moss and leaves. Birds can drop them in guttering and over time, this can cause you problems. These materials build up and cause blockages. In turn, water overflows and can lead to issues on your property.

Nesting materials can also block areas such as chimneys and flues. This can lead to dangers such as carbon monoxide, which is the last thing you want. You really need to deal with bird infestations early so that you do not have to worry about these problems occurring. If birds choose to stay around your building, it will not be long until they are looking to nest there.

Bringing Secondary Pest Infestations

The Untold Damage a Bird Infestation Can Cause


It is not just birds themselves you have to worry about. Yes, they cause a lot of seen damage on buildings and around the place. But, they can also bring with them secondary pest infestations. These ones can be difficult to get rid of.

When we talk about secondary best infestations, we are referring to parasites. In particular, there are parasites that live on wild birds and they can present a problem to humans and where you live. For example, this can include ticks, fleas and mites. Once these parasites are in your home, they can really be a big hassle. For instance, fleas multiple very quickly and before you know it, they can be everywhere. You will have to constantly fumigate your home. The only way to get rid of them permanently is to solve your bird problem first.

Health Risks from Guano

The Untold Damage a Bird Infestation Can Cause


We have already covered the fact that bird guano can be damaging to building. But, did you know that it also poses a threat to humans? In particular, there can be a lot of dangerous bacteria in bird guano that can make people sick. Simply attempting to clean guano or breathing in droplets can make you feel ill and it has even made some people end up in hospital. Some infections include salmonella and psittacosis.

Bird guano is left everywhere when you have birds. So, you have to be very careful. Ultimately, you have to get rid of the birds. There are professional companies that offer humane ways to deter birds, as well as offering cleaning services. They are going to have all of the right equipment and PPE to safely clean away bird guano.

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