Conditions That Cause Air Conditioning Repair Emergency Belmar NJ

Conditions That Cause Air Conditioning Repair Emergency

Are you noticing regular short cycling in your home lately? The air conditioner at your home usually turns on and off at a regular interval. It would take about some time for the air conditioner to complete one cycle. Noticing the air conditioner turning on and off within a very few minutes is a sign of damage and repairs. It is a serious sign of huge error. Leaving the problem unnoticed could lead to an air conditioning repair emergency Belmar NJ. It is very important to know more about short-cycling and its consequences to get the repair work done quickly ASAP. Read ahead to know more about the problems and causes of short cycling.

What are the major causes of short cycling in an air conditioner?

Conditions That Cause Air Conditioning Repair Emergency


Dirty air filters: The air filters need to be cleaned or replaced once every three or at least one months. Not doing so could cause the filters to be accumulated with heavy dirt and dust. Such a clogged air filter could at a point in time affect the normal efficiency of the unit. Thus, the airflow will be badly affected leading to the short-cycling of the unit.

Refrigerant leaks: Another major cause of having an air conditioner short-cycle too often is the leaking refrigerant. Why does the refrigerant leak? The overheating of the condenser is the major cause of a refrigerant leak in your air conditioner. The refrigerant must be at an optimum level to cool the place efficiently. Refrigerant leaks must be repaired immediately to have the best cooling and to avoid short-cycling. Not doing so could result in the air conditioning replacement Belmar NJ leading to unwanted expenses and troubles.

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Conditions That Cause Air Conditioning Repair Emergency


Thermostat troubles: Facing many problems with the air conditioner, most of the homeowners will doubt and check the unit again and again. But at times, the real problems may not be caused by the air conditioner but the thermostat. Sometimes the issue of having a poor air conditioner or too often short-cycling could be a faulty thermostat. Any problem in the thermostat which is not operating properly could be the reason for short cycling. Therefore, make sure to check the thermostat before checking the air conditioner for any kind of short cycling or troubles.

Okay, we have seen the major causes of short cycling in an air conditioner. Now let us see the different consequences faced due to regular short-cycling.

Higher energy bills: The air conditioner that has not completed one whole cycle results in short cycling. Having the short-cycle issue not checked for a longer period could result in the motor and other parts of the air conditioner being damaged completely. Continuously running the air conditioner with damaged parts could badly affect the normal efficiency and performance. The affected efficiency of the air conditioner will end up in the increased energy consumption and increased energy utility bills. Higher energy bills will cause stress and unwanted expenses to the homeowners too.

Conditions That Cause Air Conditioning Repair Emergency


More wear and tear: Having an air conditioner that repairs very often is a result of heavy damage to every part or component of the unit. Having the air conditioner turn on and off very often will add huge stress to both the electrical and mechanical components of the unit. Too often short cycling will also cause the motors and parts to overheat leading to leaking refrigerant and many other potential problems. Delaying the repair could require huge expenses and need of regular AC repair Belmar NJ leading to many troubles for the homeowner.

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Poor output: Having a regular short-cycling of the air conditioner at the end of the day will result in the affected comfort of the place. Imagine the trouble undergone by each component in an air conditioner and the troubles faced by it. No proper and sufficient output will be provided by the unit leading to a lack of comfort. That is the main motto of having an air conditioner that is to cool the place is completely affected. Leaving such problems unchecked could lead to the affected efficiency and poor performance causing many troubles to the homeowners.

Thus, if you notice any kind of air conditioning repair problems like short-cycling, make sure to call Environmental Air Systems for having an extensive service. Call (732) 681-0856 for more information.

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