Common Noises During Air Conditioning Repair in Magnolia, TX!

Noises During Air Conditioning Repair

If you have the latest central air conditioning unit in the house, you should know that it consists of variable-speed or two-stage motors that are developed to create too little or no noise. Are you noticing a disruptive and loud sound from the air conditioner? It is a clear sign of severe or moderate AC issues. These noises indicate that you have to either replace or get air conditioning repair in Magnolia, TX. To assist you in diagnosing the issues in the system, we have shared various air conditioner noises you should not take it easy. 

Screeching sounds:

Noises During Air Conditioning Repair


A common problem connected with the screeching sound of the AC is the broken fan motor in the outside condenser unit. In most central air conditioning units, you would notice a fan fixed to eliminate heat from the refrigerant. When the AC makes the shrieking sound, it is a sign of a fan motor issue. It is also caused due to the faulty motor that is the condenser unit. The squealing or screeching noise is mostly caused when the blower fan motor gets damaged inside the house. In the air conditioner, the blower fan helps in collecting warm air from all the rooms of the house. 

There are chances to notice screeching noise close to the heating and cooling system of the house because of damaged bearings in the fan motor. Are you noticing a loud sound in the system? Deactivate the air conditioning and schedule a professional air conditioning repair Montgomery, TX

Banging noises:

Noises During Air Conditioning Repair


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When the AC is having problems with the compressor, it would create or make a banging noise. The compressor is developed to share refrigerant to several parts of the cooling unit to eliminate excess humidity from the house. When the AC attains the end or middle of its life, the parts of the system get loose in the compressor. As the parts get loose, you would see banging or rattling noises from the unit. It is caused when the components get detached from their original position and hit the exterior framing of the compressor. As the compressor could not easily be disassembled, it is important to purchase the latest energy-efficient AC. Are you hearing continuous banging sounds from your unit? Contact an HVAC contractor to get help with this issue. 

Buzzing noises:

Noises During Air Conditioning Repair


You should not ignore the buzzing sounds from the air conditioner. It may signal unbalanced or loose fan blades in the outside compressor unit. Also, buzzing noises are caused because of problems like loose components, dirty condenser coils, or the repaired outdoor fan motor. Remember, the buzzing sound is the sign of an obstacle close to the copper fixtures that are associated with the unit. If the issue is severe, then the refrigerant leak would be the main reason for this problem. We recommend never taking the buzzing noise easy. You have to be proactive and set up the system for the summer months by hiring an experienced technician to fix the AC. 

Bubbling sounds:

Noises During Air Conditioning Repair


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If the air conditioner in the house is making bubbling sounds, then it could be because of excessive moisture. This kind of issue can happen due to a hole, crack, or blockage in the drainage pipe. When you have a fair idea about the HVAC parts and systems, you can disassemble the AC and check the drainage line. But for safety reasons, we suggest getting help from the experts when you want to change the drainage line. When you have to fix the bubbling sounds in the system, you would require training, skills, equipment, and special tools. It is best to contact a specialized technician to perform the AC repair task safely and correctly.

Clicking sounds:

Noises During Air Conditioning Repair


It may look normal to notice the clicking sound from the system at the start or while switching off the cooling unit. But if the noise is continuous or getting severe day after day, you should get immediate help. It indicates that you have a malfunctioning thermostat. 

Contact a licensed AC contractor like Wrightway Comfort to detect and resolve the above noises that may come from your air conditioner. To fix an appointment or to get an estimate, you can call the experts at (346) 202-5101. 

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