Tips for Constructing Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings

Tips for Constructing Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings

As another year passes, new technologies and developments are being discovered day by day. Our world and different cities from across the country are becoming more advanced, with various massive skyscrapers, buildings, and other establishments flourishing that have positively impacted our living. And as discoveries emerge, our environment is also left with dealing with the consequences. 

With this knowledge, some entrepreneurs have shifted to a better and more ecologically friendly alternative in constructing their commercial buildings or establishments. Switching to more energy-efficient options will have a beneficial impact on the environment and can help save you money in the long run. Are you searching for an alternative on how to turn your commercial building into an energy-efficient one? Here are some proven practical tips you can follow to help make the change that our environment and your pockets need! 

Review LEED Standards 

Tips for Constructing Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings


For entrepreneurs planning to build a new commercial building, take this opportunity to review the LEED Standards or the Green Construction Code. These standards will serve as your guide to the standards and alternatives to follow to have a more energy-efficient establishment. Also, make sure to partner with a trusted construction firm that will guide you on the process of building and achieving your ideal energy-efficient commercial building. 

Measure Energy Consumption

For old commercial buildings that can’t rebuild a new energy-efficient establishment, this is the first leap that you should take. Benchmark all your energy consumption and figure out the primary consumer from the list. Also, you can install general-purpose access doors with access cover for easy access on your electrical wirings for monitoring purposes. By doing so, you can figure out and take note of the primary source that needs a little refurbishing. 

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Choose The Right HVAC System

Tips for Constructing Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings


Ventilation and Air conditioning are essential parts of a commercial building that ensures your occupant’s comfort and productivity. Unfortunately, your HVAC systems contribute largely to energy consumption. If you noticed an increase in the energy consumption of your HVAC, then it’s time to invest in regular repairs to avoid the rise in your electric bill due to faulty systems. Another alternative you can use is to replace your old HVAC with a new one with an automatic HVAC control; these are proven to be more energy-efficient. 


This may not cross your mind, but improper insulation in your commercial building can cause an increase in your electrical bills. The outside of your building should be enveloped with insulation to keep lower heating and cooling needs. Here are some options you can do to secure the insulation in your commercial building;

  • Upgrade your windows– Windows can have a significant impact on your energy consumption. A highly used method to prevent heat from escaping your windows is by double glazing them. Windows that are double glazed contain two sheets of glass with a gap between them. The opening creates an insulating barrier to prevent the heat from escaping. 
  • Cavity wall insulation– Cavity walls that are not insulated can lose up to 35% of the heat generated within the establishment. The most common ways to protect a wall cavity is by using Polyurethan foam or through High-Efficiency Glass Wool or High-Efficiency EPS Beads. 

If these options are out of your remodeling home in budget, you can also try refurbishing your doors and windows. This can also help improve the insulation of your commercial building. 

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Switch to LED Lighting

Tips for Constructing Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings


If your commercial building uses traditional incandescent light bulbs, maybe it’s time to rethink switching to LED lighting. Lighting is known to consume a lot of power for about 25-30% of your electricity bill. Switching to more energy-efficient lighting like LED bulbs can consume up to 70-90% less energy than traditional light bulbs. In addition, a 13w LED light bulb emits less CO2 by 68% compared to the standard 40w incandescent bulb that runs for 10 hours a day; This helps reduce the property’s carbon footprint. LED light bulbs may be a little costly compared to traditional incandescent light bulbs, but it is proven to be much more durable lasting up to 50,000 to 100,000 hours. You can definitely save more money by investing in energy-efficient lighting. 

Self-Generating Electricity

More companies invest in modern technologies that can generate electricity to decrease their dependence on the National Grid. By self-generating your electricity, you are not only helping the environment, but your company can also drastically reduce the number of your electricity bills and protect your establishment from unexpected power cuts. Here are some of the accessible, renewable energy sources you can try; 

  • Solar Panels– This is the most famous electricity resource alternative for commercial buildings, for you can install it on the roof of your building or in any vacant lot. Solar energy is generated through solar panels. Solar energy is a renewable energy that doesn’t emit greenhouse gasses which is safe for the environment. These panels can be placed in rural and urban areas as long as there is optimal sun exposure. 
  • Wind Energy– This is designed for an environment that has a constant airflow. The wind energy propels three propellers in a wind turbine that spins to power a generator to create electricity. However, this option is more common for commercial establishments in rural areas that meet the environmental qualifications. 
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Purchase Energy-Efficient Electronics

Tips for Constructing Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings


Almost all of your office appliances or electronics consume a lot of energy. Try to find other alternatives like energy-efficient appliances that are out in the market. New energy-efficient products are developed every year, so it is best to stay updated. Office devices that are “Energy Star Certified” use 30% up to 60% less energy than a typical uncertified model. Also, another pro-tip, if you are not using these appliances, it is best to unplug them from the outlet. 

With all these advancements available today, achieving an energy-efficient commercial building might not be impossible at all. But before making this wise improvement, make sure you have everything planned out from top to bottom. By investing in energy-efficient technologies and alternatives, you can save more money, attract potential clients who are also environmental enthusiasts, and most importantly, help reduce the caused damage to our environment.

For more energy-efficient construction tips, be sure to visit Best Access Doors, where we also provide LEED certified access doors, perfect for your commercial building projects! Contact us at 1-800-483-0823 for more information about our products. 

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