Are Solar Home Batteries The Future?

Solar Home Batteries The Future

Solar power is the energy of the future. The use of solar power in homes has been on the rise in recent years, and Australia is leading, with an estimated 29% of homes using rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) as of March 2021.

More and more people are hopping onto the solar bandwagon and here’s why solar home batteries the future.

Why solar energy is the future
It’s a clean energy source

Solar Home Batteries The Future


There are zero carbon emissions from the use of solar power to supply electricity. There are some emissions produced during the manufacturing process of the photovoltaic panels, but these are almost negligible compared to the conventional energy sources.

The use of solar also produces zero noise pollution as neither the batteries nor the panels make any sound when running.

It’s not exhaustible

Solar Home Batteries The Future


We can never exhaust solar energy; most solar supplied to earth is emitted back into space. If all the solar power reflected on the ground was harnessed for just an hour, it would provide a global, year’s worth supply of solar energy!

This shows the need to invest in good PVs to capture the energy plus the batteries to store the excess solar energy for use when there is no sunlight.

Not to mention, solar is renewable. As long as the sun continues to shine, most parts of the globe will receive sunshine.

Low maintenance costs

Solar Home Batteries The Future


After the initial installation, a home solar system is easy to maintain. Sunshine is free so you no longer need to buy your power supply. There is also an option to supply your excess solar power to the country’s national grid. From doing this, you will receive a credit which will reduce your power bill.

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A good quality solar system comes with a warranty of 20 – 25 years for solar panels. Due to extensive use and depreciation, the Universe Solar Batteries and inverter may have a shorter life of between 5 to 15 years.

All you need to do for maintenance is clean your panels occasionally to remove dust and frequently check and maintain the cables for faults, which costs very little.

Technology Advancement

As research continues to seek ways to make renewable energy more efficient, better methods of harnessing solar power are being discovered. For example, the advent of lithium batteries with a longer lifespan has improved efficiency in home solar systems.

Though the lithium solar battery price is on the higher end compared to ordinary batteries’, they are a worthy investment.

Innovations in nanotechnology and quantum physics have the potential to double the efficiency of solar panels and increase their effectiveness.


Solar Home Batteries The Future


Solar energy is accessible to off-grid areas as long as you receive sunlight. The ease of access ensures that those hard to reach remote locations have clean electricity supplies.

Access to solar power will help save the environment by eliminating reliance on fuels that destroy the environment.

The Challenges of Using Solar Home Batteries

As already mentioned, the initial outlay on purchasing a home solar system is relatively high. In addition, the replacement costs for the high-quality batteries and inverter can come up to quite a bit since you need to replace them every 5–15 years.

Solar energy is also weather dependent; you will need a good battery system to keep the lights on when it’s overcast and during winter. It also requires a lot of space for the installation of solar PV panels.

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With ongoing research, it’s expected that prices will soon decrease and newer technologies will improve efficiency.

Despite the challenges, it’s still cheaper in the long run, plus the solar battery price is set to become more affordable with tech advancements. In conclusion, the advantages of solar far outweigh its shortcomings. Indeed, solar energy is the future.

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