How Do Staffing Agencies Work? A Detailed Guide

Staffing Agencies Work

The main aim of staffing agencies is to save your time, effort, and energy. They are beneficial both for the company and job-seeking candidates. 

The agencies are enriched with many valuable and dedicated candidates that help companies to look for competent employees for their job posts.

If you want to know more about these agencies and how they operate, this guide will be all about it. Various agencies are operating around the globe including Seattle temp agencies from whom many candidates and companies have been facilitated. Let’s go in-depth and discuss every point in detail for more understanding.

How Staffing Agencies Work?

Staffing Agencies Work


Staffing agencies reduce your burden by introducing the companies/employers with talented and valuable clients. As an employer, if you are in need of any candidate but don’t have enough time to do complete searching of candidates, you contact these agencies. Sometimes the positions are for a permanent basis, and sometimes it is temporary.

On the other hand, as an employee, you leave your resume to these agencies in the hope of a better opportunity. The agencies go through all the resumes whenever a new opportunity occurs; particular candidates are being shortlisted, after which proper screening and interview procedures are held, after which selection is made.

Let’s elaborate on the entire procedure for more understanding.

1- Employers Look For Staffing Agencies

Staffing Agencies Work


Every now and then, companies need to hire new employees. Sometimes because of the sudden resignation of any employee, the company needs an immediate employee to fulfill the vacant post. In this case, employers collaborate with a staffing agency that specializes in their field.

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They brace the company with a complete job description and what type of employee they are looking for. As a result, the agencies use social media or their official website in search of candidates, or sometimes they go through all those resumes where different candidates are looking for the job.

2- Applying Procedure

Staffing Agencies Work


After going through a job post, multiple candidates contact these agencies and apply for the interview. The agencies go through all the candidates who have applied for the current post. They review their education and skills and later decide either they are up for the next interview process or not.

However, in case someone is not selected, they send them feedback and ask them for further improvements. On the other hand, the selected candidates proceeded to the next level.

3- Interview Procedure

Now, after completing the above-mentioned procedure, they finally got their hands on a few candidates and began their screening interview. At this point, the agencies don’t decide on their own. It also requires the involvement of the company/employers.

They introduce all the selected candidates to the employers, and the final decision is being decided by the company themselves. Whoever they found worthy of the post is being finalized for the job.

4- Pay and Contracts Procedure

Staffing Agencies Work


All the paperwork in this scenario is being handled by the agencies who are already pro at it. They make proper planning about the selected candidate’s salary, contracts, social security, and how they will be given payments. The procedure is different both for permanent and temporary employees, and it has to be handled by the agency.

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If the candidates are selected on a temporary basis, then the salary is given to them by the agency, but if the selection is on a permanent basis, employers handle all the payment and salary procedures. All these things have to be managed at the start to avoid any future conflict.

How Staffing Agencies Charge

The most asked question about staffing agencies is either they charge for their work? Yes, they are being charged for whatever they do for the companies. However, the job-seeking candidate doesn’t pay them any money for availing their services. They only charge from the companies for whom they go through the entire procedure.

Staffing Agencies Work


However, there is a possibility that a little payment is being deducted from the first cheque of candidates whom they have given the jobs. However, there is no rule of charging from these candidates.

As an employer and as an employee, you can’t get any other preferable option than contacting these agencies for your work who make sure to complete the work with sincerity and clarity.


Staffing agencies lesson a lot of your burden and always prove to be helpful both for employees and employer. They make sure to deliver the best candidates to develop a friendly relationship. As an employer, if you are looking forward to hiring new employees but don’t have enough time to go through all the procedures, here is the best solution for you.

Search for these agencies that specialize in your field and after having a detailed analysis regarding their repute in the market, collaborate with them at Live Enhanced. It is one of the best ways to save your time and energy.

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