Tending to Your Health: The Top Five Diets Every Mom Should Recognize

Following a healthy diet is something most moms want to do but find it difficult to accomplish. They lead busy lives and finding the time to eat a meal is hard enough, much less making certain it is healthy. However, there are a number of diets that ladies are interested in and try to follow, and all have benefits. Following are five top diets every mother should recognize.

The Ketogenic Diet

The Ketogenic Diet

Source: dlife.com

Many people are aware of the whole30 vs keto but don’t know the similarities and differences between the two. The ketogenic diet has been around for many years now, although it was first created to help those individuals suffering from epilepsy. Today, doctors find it can be of great benefit to individuals suffering from a variety of medical conditions, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and type II diabetes. The focus of this eating plan is the reduction of glucose obtained through carbohydrates while increasing one’s protein and fat intake.

The Whole 30 Diet

The Whole 30 Diet

Source: levlnow.com

The whole 30 diet, in contrast, is an elimination diet often prescribed for those who are suffering from suspected food allergies, and a person is only designed to follow it for a 30-day period. This is a very restrictive diet and one that begins removing any foods from the diet that aren’t whole or as close to their natural form as possible. Focus on consuming more whole grains as well as fruits, beans, and vegetables for vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Doing so will not only help to improve one’s health but will also be of great benefit in preventing a wide range of diseases.

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The Paleo or Caveman Diet

The Paleo or Caveman Diet

Source: medicalnewstoday.com

As with the Keto diet, the Paleo diet was first created quite a few years ago and is making a resurgence today. Processed foods are not consumed by individuals following this diet, as they eat only what was available to cavemen in the early days of this planet. Where this diet differs from the whole 30 diets is individuals who follow it plan to do so for their entire life. However, the majority of followers find it is so restrictive that they are unable to do so and resume eating other foods once again.

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Source: consumerreports.org

This diet focuses on reducing inflammation in the body, as uncontrolled inflammation leads to the release of C-reactive proteins in the body, and these proteins are believed to contribute to certain health conditions. The plant-based diet revolves around fresh fruits and vegetables along with omega-3s and whole grains. Wine and chocolate are permitted on this diet, but countless women find it hard to learn how to cook a variety of plant-based meals and end up not following their meal plan.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

Source: thenational.ae

Fasting was first mentioned in the Bible and people continue to use this method for weight loss today. However, some people now opt for intermittent fasting, which involves eating only during certain periods of the day as opposed to eating certain days and skipping others. Researchers have yet to determine the effectiveness of this diet over the long term, but people do lose weight when following the meal plan.

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A healthy diet is one a female can stick to for life. Keep this in mind when selecting which meal plan to follow. Using a meal plan for a short period of time to lose weight and then returning to normal eating habits before starting this cycle once again is not healthy. Once the right diet has been selected, however, a lady can look and feel her best with ease.

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